On January 27, 28, and 29, took place the 2nd. edition of the American Parks Weekend.
We carried out this POTA activation from the PGP of La Fila, located at 1,949 masl, in the El Ávila National Park (Waraira Repano) YV-0004.
Colleagues participated in the activation: YV5KKT Luís Gónzález, YY5NTI Annaye Carrizo, YV6ENB Leopoldo Álvarez, YV4DRB Raúl Morales, YY5OEM Javier Gilson and myself.
We worked with 3 radios, and QSOs were achieved in the following modes: Phone HF SSB 10, 15, 20, 40m; in FT8 15 and 40m; and in VHF 2m.
My most sincere thanks to Luís González for the invitation to participate in this sensational adventure that is POTA. During this I was able to establish my first international QSO, which was with CE1RT – Rosa Tapia, from Iquique, Chile.
On the other hand, I also managed to contact colleagues from Spain (Canary Islands), Brazil, USA, and Venezuela.
In the moments that we were not modulating, we took care of testing several antennas that we activated, as well as sharing pleasant moments, experiences, and knowledge.
Also thank William, the Park Ranger, for his support and collaboration with us, at all times.
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